Welcome to The Overflow

“All are welcome at the table”
In 2019, when the dream for The Adorn Co. was forming, we felt the Holy Spirit speak this phrase as a guiding principle.
The heart of God is generous. When He initiates an idea, we can be sure that the blessings are going to flow in every direction. In the case of Adorn, our heart is to embody His generosity at every level of operation: for the makers, for the customer, for the employees, for the founders, and for all who engage with this unfolding story, pointing to God’s abundance and generosity.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to practice this generous style of living through setting aside a portion of what we have to give. Out of this truth,The Overflow was born.
The Overflow is 10% of proceeds from every purchase at Adorn that we give to people and causes that are making the world a better, more whole, and beautiful place.
In Hebrew, there is a word that we love:
נְדָבָה Nadabah.
An abundant gift, given not out of obligation but as a result of an overflow from within the heart. A freewill offering.
This is what we pray The Overflow will be.
As we’ve developed partnerships around the world, we’ve sat at tables, we’ve sipped tea in living rooms, we’ve played with the children and we’ve walked among the olive groves. We bear witness to the beauty of humanity that can begin anew after the devastating circumstances and unfathomable chaos of having to flee one's home country. Through these experiences, we can see that the needs in this world are great, and it’s our privilege to respond generously with what you’ve all so generously poured into this little shop & brand.
This is God’s kindness on display. His abundant love offered to all at the table. This will always be the heart of The Adorn Co.
The Overflow Blog is a space where those stories find expression, where we invite you to our virtual table, to share how your purchases at Adorn plant seeds of hope and fresh beginning for many around the world.
There is room at the table for more to experience God’s generous and abundant blessing. Thank you for your contribution to this, dear friends!
1 comment
We live in Stagecoach and love your store! I loved reading more about the history of how Adorn was born. I just received some beautiful earrings from Adorn for my birthday. Your store is beautiful and we wish you success! Our go to store when we need to purchase a gift! Prayers for your mission you are providing to those who need our help! God Bless, Rose